Our Story
Camaron, Erin, Rhett, & Blake Cox
Why Choose Beefmaster?
Beefmaster is a breed of beef cattle that was developed in the early 1930’s by Tom Lasater, from a synthetic crossing of Hereford and Shorthorn cows with Brahman bulls. (25% Hereford, 25% Milking Shorthorn, 50% Brahman) They are a unique combination of Bos Indicus and Bos Taurus breeding that allows them to thrive in virtually any environment. You can find them anywhere from Texas to Wisconsin, Florida to California and all places in between. The three-breed combination has built in heterosis that is further enhanced in mating them within commercial cattle populations.
They are a multipurpose breed with many convenient traits. When used in a crossbreeding program, they will add growth and efficiency into all phases of the production chain from the breeding phase all the way through the feedlot phase. Traditionally, Beefmasters offer low birth weights, calving ease, fleshing ability, efficiency, and conception percentage that is unequalled in the cattle industry.
Beefmasters are an ideal balance of convenience, breed complementarity, and heterosis retention. They are best known for six essentials which consist of disposition, fertility, weight, conformation, milk production, and hardiness. Beefmaster breeders continue to strive for the “Standard of Excellence” by using these six essentials. Disease tolerance, insect tolerance, heat tolerance, longevity, docility, calving ease, maternal abilities, and hardiness are all benefits that can be expected when choosing to introduce Beefmaster into your seedstock or commercial cattle operation.
Contact Rocking RB Cattle Co today to learn more about what Beefmaster can do for you.